Thursday 22 May 2014

Week Three at Discovery

The teachers opened up the Sand Pit and monitored the Playground at Discovery today....

Essence has discovered if she swings her legs back and forth on the Flying Fox she will make it all the way to the other side. 
 Many children followed her example. 
 Well done Essence!

Oh no the Flying Fox is stuck in the middle, what are we going to do?

Great idea Reid! He discovered that if he jumped he could tap the handle and push it back to Essence. He didn't get it on his first try but he kept trying and eventually got it there.

Thank you Reid

Awesome swinging to the next hoop. It took many tries to get all the way across. Great perseverance!

Jacob kept trying until he could swing all the way across on the Monkey Bars.
Great perseverance Jaqob! We can see from the look on your face that you are very proud of your achievement today.

Posted using BlogPress by Mrs Holmes