Monday 14 May 2012

Perseverance with Fairy Bread in Room 3

We were using our spreading, cutting and sharing skills in Room 3 to make Fairy Bread on Monday the 14th of May 2012. We needed to persevere and keep trying to spread our butter right out to the edges and to keep moving our knife backward and forward to cut our bread. We were fantastic at cutting equal shares and sprinkling our hundreds and thousands carefully all over our slice of bread. And what would you know - Everyone loved the taste of our fairy bread!!!

Fairy Bread in Room 3

More stacking cups

Miss Sweeney really persevered today to understand the rules and get faster at cup stacking. You were really clever Miss Sweeney and your friend.

Having a go at cup stacking

Well done Kayla, you never gave up. You persevered the whole of discovery time and at the end of discovery you were so fast!! Good girl. I wonder what you will do next week with the stacking cups?

Persevering with the stacking cups in room 4

We had a special guest come into room 4 today at Discovery Time so we could see how an expert did cup stacking. Ratorua and Ramonjot from Room 20 came in to show us how to do it. He is very clever and we all thought 
it was much harder to do than it looks. 

Monday 7 May 2012

Alexis in the sandpit

Photos in the Sandpit- 7/5/2012

Wow! At Discovery on Monday the 7th of May 2012 there was a lot of perseverance in the sandpit. A group of children worked creatively for a long time to make a huge sandcastle. It took a long time to sieve the small sand from the big sand. There was some wonderful creations and loads of really neat sharing going on. What fun!